Wildcat Ebony Brown

Who's in Control of your narrative?


Norfolk, VA

The concept for my 2020 Awakening billboard entitled, “Who’s In Control Of Your Narrative?” came about by simply asking myself, “What Do I really want to say?” (Insert the finger resting on chin emoji here).  I was thinking about my purpose and personal relationship to power, meditating on how I’ve struggled mentally and emotionally over the years to fully embrace the totality of who I am. Through posing this question, I found myself in a familiar position, facing the realization that we manifest our own destiny. Too often we render ourselves powerless, it is only when we embrace our innate, limitless potential that happiness becomes attainable, thus creating the life of our dreams.  Honesty, radical love and acceptance enable us to trust our higher selves, cease the need for external validation, relinquish the victim story and step into our greatness. Abandoning the internal dialogue which no longer serves us is true liberation.  Living authentically and unapologetically standing in our truth is a choice.  Whether or not we operate  from a place of fear, doubt and anxiety is a option we face daily. Now more than ever, we must know that We control our own destiny.  Not The government, religion, race, gender, sexual orientation, antiquated systems of social construct or economic status. Nothing is more powerful than our minds. Intention, imagination and focus are some of the most powerful tools readily available to all of us. Does this mean every day I arise ready to slay? Absolutely not! I’d be a liar if I pretended that I pop out of bed with my cape on. More often than I’d like to admit,  I’m totally half asleep,  coasting on auto pilot, fumbling clumsily barely getting by...and it’s all good, because being  “Wide Awake” is a daily practice.   Fatigue is inevitable. Self love is an imperative mechanism required for survival. When you need a mental health break, take it. Surround yourself with friends who have your front, back and side. Lean on them when you need to then jump  back in when you’re ready. I find that shifting to an attitude of gratitude helps lift the fog and gets me back on track.  This year has taught me, that even in the midst of chaos, uncertainty and insanity, beauty can prevail and persist like a lotus blossoming in the murkiest, muddiest water. It is up to each and every one of us to stay vigilant and keep our third eye open.  If you believe in abundance there will always be enough for everyone. When we govern ourselves using Compassion and benevolence, we will defeat scarcity. It’s never about luck it’s about alignment. Please don’t mistake me for someone who thinks they have it all figured out- I am admittedly a the huge work in progress! Fortunately, one thing I do know, is that that I am here to here to help others heal. There is great reward in taking a few minutes to check in with ourselves and ponder, “who am I being, what vibration am I emitting and how am I showing up in the world?” The answers aren’t always instantaneous and we don’t always find what we are looking for, but through stillness, what we need reveals itself.  Trusting the process damn sure ain’t easy, but it’s a necessary part of the journey. Learning to be patient and gentle with myself  is a valuable skill I’ve learned along the way. 

Like most of my work, the image selected was a decision based on instinct. It immediately spoke to my heart when I saw it posted on the @soulsofmovement Instagram account. It was  my first choice for this project, even though I presented a horizontal image as an alternative, which technically was more dimensionally conducive for a billboard. After a wee bit of deliberation, I was thrilled when my initial photo preference was chosen. Inside,  I knew it was the one. 

Originally submitted as a black and white image, though striking, infusing it with a layer of gradient, bright colors was a great choice initiated by the graphics team. It conjured that nostalgic, trippy, psychedelic aesthetic prevalent in posters from the 1960’s and 1970’s, of which I’m a huge fan.  The hardest part for me was finding the right font. That’s never been my forte, so it’s always a matter of trial and error. Once the text was set immediately it clicked, morphing into a visual metaphor, subconsciously evocative of the sentiment vocalized in Earth, Wind & Fire’s classic song, Keep Your Head To The Sky. Beloved by fans around the globe, it’s message resonates hope,  illustrating how music can mystically transcend the boundaries of space and time. Ideally, I’d like for my billboard to illuminate lives, echoing a similar frequency of optimism.  I believe that every hardship we endure and every challenge we brave is both a lesson and blessing in disguise, the key is remaining malleable.  The most unsavory experiences provide the opportunity to go within, dig deep and prove our resiliency. To me, art is a testimony, actualized evidence, masterfully attesting to the remarkable, profound act of transmutation.  When I look at this image which beautifully captured a moment of reverence, acknowledging the land beneath our feet, stolen from our indigenous brothers and sisters, who were slaughtered,  irreversibly shattering their  livelihood for generation after generation- I am humbled. When I look at this image taken during a moment of civic engagement, an event I was privileged to create and curate, celebrating the black and brown members of the community I willfully support and serve- I am filled with tears of pride. When I look at this image, I am reminded of the courage and perseverance of all of those who paved the way for me. I stand on the shoulders of many. Some are historical figures and immediate family members  who’s names I can rattle off.  Others are nameless ancestors,  gone but never forgotten for sacrificing their lives centuries ago on behalf of my freedom. When I look at that image, I can’t deny the miraculous strength and perseverance it’s taken for me to even make it to that quiet, delicate moment of invocation.  That image is confirmation of my growth expansion and willingness to exist on this earth. Looking at it, I can’t help but reflect on the myriad number of obstacles I’ve overcome.  Particularly, the unique circumstance that spontaneously disrupted  my physical wellness, a Divine catalyst, that inadvertently changed the trajectory of my life. That image, teleports me back to the an urgent crisis which demanded my full attention, forced me to confront my own mortality as a vital exercise of my will to live...complete with the scars to prove it. You can’t see them but,  I know they are there as permanent, deliberate symbols to #hashtagneverforget.

Arms stretched upwards, palms open,  head tilted to the heavens, I see myself as an embodiment of The Cosmic Love Connection.  A vehicle, electrically charged by millions of twinkling stars, through which boundless, indestructible, intergalactic energy and magic freely flow.  

My prayer for those who’s fate leads them to my billboard, intentionally or indirectly, is to inspire self-examination of their own inner navigational device. Whether they are driving, a passenger or on foot, may they arrive at their destination safely, guided by the light which has shone and shall continue shine for eternity.  I wish each person who finds me in passing (the mysterious masked, rainbow woman in the sky) by glimpse or gaze is gifted, the ancient memory of their ethereal essence. For some, I may be a random encounter for others, a part of their regular commute. Whichever scenario applies is perfect, so long as the viewer feels uplifted, empowered and reminded that prosperity is always within reach. 

While we are literally wearing masks as a preventive measure to combat and conquer a raging pandemic.  Figuratively speaking, this is nothing new. We must profess, we’ve all worn masks at some point in our lives as a form of protection, hiding our most embarrassing secrets,  deepest shame or darkest wounds from pain and suffering. Underneath the various types of coverings we don, from bandanas to PPE, we are all the same. Like it or not, we bleed the same blood, have the same honey and squishy stuff inside. We may have some slight external differences but for the most part, we’re all in the same gang. The question remains, “Who will you be when our faces are set free, Will you keep singing the same ole sad song or soliloquy? Are you read to re-write history with her story? Or hold on to your old days of glory?” My billboard is an invitation to become the author of your own ecstasy. It can be an essay, poem, script or novel, the possibilities are endless. “What legacy will you leave behind? Is it one of unity or division? Integrity or Crime? Will you choose Love over hate? Stand firm Or escape? Will you play an infinite game or try to pick the winners and the losers? The choice is Yours dear fellow citizens. My message is pretty straight forward, but not  necessarily easy. Happiness is our birth rite. When we are able to fully  embrace and accept the brilliance in ourselves, it becomes easier to respect and welcome the brilliance in others. We are all sacred, love worthy spirits, sharing this fantastic planet, dancing wildly in rhythm as joyful warriors for humanity. That is my vision. That’s what happens when I press pause, reset and am present, tapping in to the oneness of the Universe, emanating the most powerful force of all, Love  Consciousnesses. That’s the tale, I am able tell, when I choose to control my own, epic narrative. “Who’s in control of your narrative? The answer is always up to you.

Photograph by Alyssa Meadows
Photograph by Alyssa Meadows
Photograph by Alyssa Meadows


Unfinished / Orange Barrel Media

Artwork Caption 
This is some text inside of a div block.