Claudia Peña

When will you make amends?


Lexington, KY

Everything about the world we live in, including ourselves, needs balance to be at its best. The re-introduction of wolves in Yellowstone, three functioning branches of government in a democracy, and reparations for Black and Native peoples are all models of equilibrium.

All harm creates an IMBALANCE. 

Every careless deed, every malicious word, and even, maybe especially so, hateful thoughts cause imbalance in the world. In ourself. An imbalance of chemicals or hormones often makes us sick, and as we are but one organism, any and all harm makes us collectively ill. 

Health and unity is restored when things are brought back into balance.

Making amends is an attempt to put things back in balance as much as possible. Be it large or small, righting a wrong revolutionizes humanity every single time. 

This question asks of you…when will you realize you have the magic to heal? To restore? To transform? 

From sibling to sibling, from corporation to communities and from governments to the people, when will you make amends?

Photograph by Alyssa Meadows
Photograph by Alyssa Meadows
Photograph by Alyssa Meadows



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