Mohsin Mohi Ud Din

Perspectives or Conclusions


Atlanta, GA

CHALLENGE: We are living in a time where communication and words are being weaponized for inequality, subjugation, and divisiveness. Inequality lives in language, and words during times of uncertainty are often exploited to activate the automatic impulses within us—which are often inaccurate and fear-based.

BELIEF: Mohsin and #MeWeIntl believes that the words living within us shape the world living outside us. CHANGE THE STORY—->CHANGE THE ENERGY——>BEAR WITNESS—-> CHANGE THE WORLD.

Action: In line with the UNfinished x FF invitation to create billboards ahead of the election, artist, activist, and founder of #MeWeIntl, Mohsin Mohi Ud Din has designed the following billboard. Within the adapted American flag,  the stars are replaced with delta Us—which in the 1st law thermodynamics in physics symbolizes internal change. The stripes appear as Turquoise which in some cultures symbolizes transformation. The question posed within the flag challenges the viewer to stop, reflect, and identify which equation of the ‘ME’ ‘WE’ relationship lives within them. This awareness is crucial if we are to sync healing, justice, and equality. The language prompt in the flag will hopefully spark a moment of pause, reflection, and awareness as voters begin to decide the narrative of America in the coming years.

What is #MeWeIntl:

Our worlds are shaped by the stories we tell. #MeWeIntl’s mission is to provide communications tools that enable every individual to unlock their agency, reframe their narratives, and author the future.

It is the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves that shape how we treat ourselves, each other, and our world. But forces seemingly beyond our control have trained us to believe that external narratives are truer and more powerful than those created within. We are committed to the belief that every individual has the right to author and reframe the narratives they live and operate in. The #MeWeIntl method and training network equips people with communications tools to break down silence and isolation, spark healing and hope, and exercise agency and leadership that will transform their world.

#MeWeIntl has reached more than 5,000 people across Syria, Jordan, Turkey, Lebanon, Germany, Mexico, Honduras, U.S.A, and other countries. The #MeWeIntl network is led by youth and caregivers from refugee and migrant communities, as well as artists and activists who have endured forced displacement, war, violence, and inequality. These community heroes are trained and equipped with the #MeWeIntl methodology and provided sub grants to lead and scale their own #MeWeIntl hubs across their communities, with the goal of enhancing community led spaces where communication and narratives enhance awareness , healing, and social change.

Photograph by Mike Butler
Photograph by Mike Butler
Photograph by Mike Butler


Unfinished / Orange Barrel Media

Artwork Caption 
This is some text inside of a div block.